Rose herb for skin
Ground Rose Petals for Skin Care
Carefully dried and ground to preserve its
therapeutic properties, Ground Rose Petals are used in many natural recipes and
offer a range of benefits for various skin issues.
Benefits of Ground Rose Petals for the Skin:
Fights acne, lightens and
hydrates the skin
Calms puffy eyelids
Cares for sensitive skin
Nourishes the eyelashes
Treats dark circles
How to Use Ground Rose Petals for the Skin:
A natural recipe that purifies the skin of
impurities, restoring its radiance and freshness.
Three tablespoons of honey
Two tablespoons of ground
Two tablespoons of dried
and ground rose petals
Two tablespoons of milk or
aloe vera gel
- Grind the oats well,
then mix it with the ground rose petals.
- Add honey. If your skin
is dry, add milk; if your skin is oily, add aloe vera gel or water; if your
skin is normal, add three tablespoons of yogurt.
- Wash your skin and apply
the mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
- Use a cotton pad soaked
in rose water to purify the skin and close the pores.
- This recipe is suitable for all skin types and
does not cause any side effects.
- Purchase now and you'll receive a gift with
your order, compliments of Zeina Store.
- The product and the gift will be delivered
straight to your doorstep.
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