oil for hair removal
Ant oil is a way to
reduce the appearance of hair in the body has been rid of it permanently or at
least reduce the problem of the emergence of hair in the skin and sens..
Argan Powder
Argan powder, which is extracted during the compressing
of Argan oil, or rather considered the output of Argan oil.
The benefits of underarm lightening with
Argan powder
Blue Indigo Shorts for Bikini and Intimate Area WhiteningThe Blue Indigo Shorts are the ideal
solution for effectively and quickly whitening the bikini and intimate areas.
Made from natural blue ind..
Blue Nila Desert big MelhfaThe Blue Nile Melhfa is known in the Moroccan desert areas and has benefits in bleaching the body. Women have been using it as a sunscreen since ancient times in the desert ..
Blue Nila desert Small MelhafaThe blue indigo belt is a piece of cloth that Moroccan Saharawi women and in the Mauritanian desert also use to take care of their skin, and it is customary in the desert..
Bridal Pajama Set with Blue Indigo - 8 PiecesThe Bridal Pajama Set with Blue Indigo is a complete set
consisting of 8 pieces:Blue Indigo PajamaBlue Indigo Trousers2 Blue Indigo Gloves2 Blue Indigo So..
carrot butterA treatment for many skin problems (sunburn, small wounds, and skin allergies) due to the properties of carrot butter is a natural remedy for dry and sensitive skin. Benefits of carrots f..
Cream Biafine To bleach sensitive areasToday, many women use it to treat many skin problems, and to whiten the face and sensitive places.Biafine cream removes the dead part of the skin and works to st..
DEFLAMOL Cream for Lightening Sensitive AreasDEFLAMOL cream is the perfect choice for safely lighting and
whitening sensitive areas. Formulated with a unique blend of botanical oils and
herbs, this ..
glycerin oilGlycerin oil is one of the essential oils for oily skin care, as it has made chemical cosmetics impotent and useless powders compared to their great benefits and the great services th..
Homeoplasmine cream to lighten dark areasA very excellent treatment cream for chapped lips, ideal for lightening sensitive areas, maintains hydration for as long as possible, and can be used on the bo..
Hydrating Donkey Milk Cream for Face and Body BrighteningThe natural choice for radiant, smooth skin—Donkey Milk Cream from Zena nourishes and rejuvenates for a youthful glow!Zena’s Donkey Milk Cream ..
Kenta Moroccan Original Cream for Skin Whitening and
Sensitive AreasKenta Moroccan Original Cream is a well-known medical
cream in Morocco, used for whitening sensitive areas and dark spots on the
Lavender oil
Lavender oil is extracted from the lavender plant, which
is a small shrub that lives in mountainous forests and is used for massage,
hair care, and relaxation.
The benefits of lav..
Lightening cream and bleaching sensitive areasLightening and whitening sensitive areas cream is a 100% natural Moroccan cream, used to lighten and whiten dark areas, and is used to whiten sensitive ar..
Lightening cream for sensitive areas with hump of camelLightening cream for sensitive areas with camel seed, it is a Moroccan natural cream famous in Morocco, especially among desert women, it opens d..
A woman may face the problem of vaginal expansion
at various stages of her life, due to repeated childbirth or due to aging. This
can cause her discomfort an..
Natural Moroccan herbs group for menstruationتعانى كثير من النساء والفتيات من آلام الدورة الشهرية التى تحدث فى أسفل البطن والظهر والفخذين، وتتفاوت الآلام ما بين الحادة إلى البسيطة من امرأة لأخرى، ولأن..
Almond oil
Almond oil is extracted from the sweet almond seed and
is among the most spread and famous oil for cosmetic uses in the body, such as
hair and skin because it contains important vitami..
Moroccan Prickly Pear Oil
Prickly pear oil, extracted from cacti, is one
of the most expensive oils in the world. It is widely found in Mexico, Latin
America, and the Mediterranean region. It's a..
Pridocaine numbing cream Pridocaine anesthetic cream consists in its
composition of lidocaine and prilocaine, and it acts as a local anesthetic that
is used in many areas and applications. It is als..
Red rose oil
From the Citadel of Roses in the south of the Kingdom
of Morocco, or in its other name “Qalaat MGouna”, we came to you with the most
beautiful product, which is the Moroccan red rose..
Tara Oil - Hair RemovalTara (Cressa cretica) is a perennial herbaceous
plant that contains multiple chemical components. It has been used since
ancient times for its rapid growth and spreading, whic..
Shirly Armpit Cream: The armpit is a sensitive
area where many girls experience darkening. Thus, the cream is used to lighten
this darkness in a short period, not exceeding 3 days.
**Shirly Ha..
Titanoreine hemorrhoid cream
titanoréïne, “titanoroène” is a cream or
ointment used to treat hemorrhoids. Treatment of external and non-injured
hemorrhoids, and there is no blood exit. The most i..
Tritospot Cream whitening hyperpigmentation problemsIt is used to gradually lighten the skin color in cases of dark spots or tan caused by burns or infections of skin freckles.Benefits of Tritosp..
الودع المطحون لتبييض الرقبة و البشرةالودع عبارة عن الصدف أو القواقع البحرية الصغيرة التي نجدها على شاطىء، يستخدمنه البنات كثيرا فى المغرب فيتم طحنه حتى يصبح مسحوق والودع له نتائج مبهرة على البشر..
White purity musk
White musk is one of the best fragrant
preparations, as it contains important substances for health, treatment of some
skin diseases, and perfuming sensitive areas with a natura..
الشبة المطحونة للجسم المثاليالشبه هي عبارة عن مادة تشبه ملح الليمون في الشّكل، ولكنّها تختلف عنه في الطّعم، فهي تحتوي على الفوسفات والألمنيوم والبوتاسيوم. وتستخدم الشبة في الطب الب..
كريم تكبير المؤخرة بسنام الجملهو كريم طبيعي تماماً مستخرج من منطقة شحم سنام الابل او الجمال فى المغرب, وبالتحديد من منطقة العيون بالمغرب, كريم طبيعي صحراوي يستخدمنه النساء في صحاري المغ..