Natural herbs group for vaginal narrowing
A woman may face the problem of vaginal expansion
at various stages of her life, due to repeated childbirth or due to aging. This
can cause her discomfort and disturb the marital relationship. It can also
sometimes result in a loss of bladder control. To solve this problem, Zeina
store for Moroccan and natural beauty products offers you a herbal set for
vaginal tightening made of 100% natural ingredients prepared by Moroccan
specialists in a special way and at balanced ratios.
Benefits of the Natural Vaginal Tightening Herbal Set
- The Moroccan and natural vaginal tightening herbal set works for natural tightening of the vagina in a
period ranging from a day to a month and a half, depending on the body's
- It's a completely natural
and fantastic way to achieve the desired results. It's a set of herbs from
Moroccan grandmothers of old until now.
- It doesn't make the vagina
smell bad as it contains basil, rose, and natural Moroccan herbs.
- Vaginal tightening is the
best solution to improve your marital relationship.
- This Moroccan natural method
saves you from the methods that have substances.
- A secret from the secrets
of Moroccan beauty with traditional natural methods.
- This set works on
tightening the vagina quickly and without side effects.
- It works to cleanse the
- It effectively tightens
the uterus muscles.
How to use the Natural Vaginal Tightening Herbal Set
A suitable amount of the
herbal set is placed with boiled water and left until the water color becomes
dark. Then a little of the water of the natural vaginal tightening herbal set
(after filtering it) is taken and the vagina area is washed with it, or the
herbal water is placed in the bathtub and the woman soaks in it.
- As for the herbs that have been
filtered, they are placed in a thin piece of cloth and placed under the
underwear, that is, on the vagina area.
Another way to use the Natural Vaginal
Tightening Herbal Set
After buying the natural
vaginal tightening herbal set from Zeina store, add it to healthy mineral
water, then put it on medium heat and leave it for a quarter of an hour until
it boils, and you will notice that the water has been dyed dark brown, then set
it aside to cool and put in a clean bottle after filtering the water from the
herbs, this water is used as a vaginal douche and the vagina can be sprayed
with it a quarter of an hour before the marital meeting.
- It is recommended to use
the above recipes a quarter of an hour before intercourse.
- It is recommended to use
mineral water.
- The packaging size is 50
grams, enough for only one time.
- This set is exclusive to
Zeina store for Moroccan beauty products.
- Buy now and you will
receive a gift with your order, presented by Zena Store.
- The product + gift will
reach you at your doorstep
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