Replacing chemical products quite effectively
in some beauty products due to its distinct results, Senbla herb is magical. It
significantly impacts hair length and thickness, also known as Sabla herb.
Senbla herb, black in color and beautifully scented, is widely used in Morocco
and Yemen.
Benefits of Senbla Herb for Hair
- Fully treats hair loss
- Noticeably increases hair
- Increases hair length in
record time.
- Softens hair and enhances
its shine.
- Helps protect hair from
split ends, strengthening it from the roots to the tips.
How to Use Senbla Herb for Hair
Senbla Herb for Hair Thickening
- 500 milligrams of pure
coconut oil.
- Two tablespoons of ground
Senbla herb.
- Put coconut oil in a pan
on low heat until it melts and heats up.
- Add two tablespoons of
Senbla herb to the oil and stir until homogenized.
- Remove the pan from the
heat, let it cool, put the mixture in a clean container, close it well, and
leave it for a full day.
- Start using the mixture by
rubbing the scalp with fingertips, spreading the rest of the oil on the hair,
and leaving it in.
Senbla Herb for Hair Softening
- A small cup of ground
Senbla herb.
- A small cup of henna.
- A cup of rose water.
- One egg.
- A little ground Sidr.
- Mix the Senbla herb with
rose water well, put the mixture on your whole hair, keep massaging the scalp
for ten minutes, and leave it on your hair for half an hour.
- Mix henna with Sidr and
the egg well, then put the mixture over the first mixture on the entire hair,
and leave it on your hair for seven consecutive hours.
- Wash your hair well with
shampoo, repeat the process daily for a month, then one day a week for another
month until you get a distinctive result.
- Avoid using hair dye while using this mixture. If you cannot stop using dye, you can use Sidr with the egg without henna. It gives a similar result.
- Buy now and you'll receive a gift with your order from Zena Store. The product and the gift will reach you at your doorstep.
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