Zouine mask with white mud and Aker FassiMask with white mud and Aker Fassi is 100% natural that helps replenish skin cells from deep. It cleanses the skin, gives it the required freshness, removes wr..
Red clay for skin
100% natural Moroccan product. Moroccan red clay is
considered one of the most effective natural treatments in the treatment of
skin because it contains necessary minerals, that..
Green clay for skin100% natural Moroccan product. Moroccan green clay is considered one of the most effective natural treatments in the treatment of skin because it contains necessary minerals, works ..
طبيعي أبيض بالصبار واللويزاالطمى
المغربى بالصبار واللويزا , ويستخرج من جبال الأطلس
في المغرب كما يستخدم في الحمامات المغربية منذ أقدم
العصور للتنظيف و ..
Black Head removal Mask
remover with charcoal extract, which works to remove and clean blackheads, get
rid of dirt and prevent clogging of pores.
of a black head removal ma..
Blue nila maskThe
Saharan Nile is one of the secrets of the beauty of Moroccan women. They are
very well known in Morocco for their effectiveness in whitening and lightening
the skin. This mask has..
peak mask for face and body
benefits of camel lard for the face and skin are multiple, camel lard is a mass
of mental tissue, which is the high part above its back, camel lard is used ..
Coffee and cocoa maskCocoa and coffee are among the most used ingredients in preparing skin care recipes, because of their many benefits on the skin. That is why this wonderful mask has been prepared ..
Curcuma and rose water face maskCurcuma has been used to treat the skin for thousands of years, it works to purify the
face in addition to the various benefits, many people use turmeric on ..
Mask Frankincense Dhikr for skin whiteningFrankincense is used in some natural recipes or
cosmetics, as it contains some chemical compounds produced by many plants.Benefits of a Mask Frankincense Dhi..
Mask With Almond and Argan OilStudies have proven that the mixture of almonds and argan contains important natural elements in nourishing the skin and is very effective in tightening the skin. Therefo..
Mask with aloe vera and argan oilThe price of this natural mask is that it combines the advantages of aloe vera known for its many special benefits on the skin, as well as the famous Moroccan argan oi..