Green Mud Mask
Moroccan Green Mud Mask
Green clay has been known for its cosmetic benefits for many centuries to Moroccan women. It is suitable for all skin types, especially oily. Green clay is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium oxide, iron, and antioxidants. These elements renewal the blood circulation and clean it from germs and microbes. Green clay is especially useful for oily skin protecting it from secreting more fat that may cause acne, pimples, and blackheads.
Benefits of green clay for skin
- Restores skin balance, provides oxygen and regenerates
dead and damaged cells
- It treats eczema and acne, removes pimples and
blackheads, and cleanses the skin from germs and toxins
- Closes wide pores, strengthens skin cells and protects
them from effects of the sun and burns
- Lightens the skin and removes dirt in the inner layers
of the skin
- Gets rid of excess fat on oily skin
- Gets rid of black spots and melasma and clear the skin
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