Coffee and cocoa maskCocoa and coffee are among the most used ingredients in preparing skin care recipes, because of their many benefits on the skin. That is why this wonderful mask has been prepared ..
Curcuma and rose water face maskCurcuma has been used to treat the skin for thousands of years, it works to purify the
face in addition to the various benefits, many people use turmeric on ..
Mask Frankincense Dhikr for skin whiteningFrankincense is used in some natural recipes or
cosmetics, as it contains some chemical compounds produced by many plants.Benefits of a Mask Frankincense Dhi..
Mask With Almond and Argan OilStudies have proven that the mixture of almonds and argan contains important natural elements in nourishing the skin and is very effective in tightening the skin. Therefo..
Mask with aloe vera and argan oilThe price of this natural mask is that it combines the advantages of aloe vera known for its many special benefits on the skin, as well as the famous Moroccan argan oi..
Mask with roses, almonds and arganMoroccan silt with almonds, roses and argan oil is extracted from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, and has been used in the Moroccan bath since ancient times for clean..
Mask with snail and Sodium bicarbonateThe natural Moroccan mask with snail extract and sodium bicarbonate is one of the most commonly used masks by Moroccan women because it contains snail extracts, a..
In recent years, most beauty experts have
turned to the use of charcoal for various cosmetic purposes, especially for
facial skin, due to its effective properties in purifyi..
WHITE MASK WITH WOAD, LEMON AND GREEN TEAThe Moroccan natural white mask with woad,
lemon, and green tea is extracted from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Used
since ancient times in the Moroccan ba..
Date Seed MaskThis natural Moroccan mask is primarily made
from date seeds, which possess numerous properties that make it an effective
natural ingredient for nourishing the skin. It revitalizes and..
Moroccan Herbal Clay
Extracted from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco,
this Moroccan Herbal Clay has been utilized in traditional Moroccan baths for
ages. Renowned for its deep cleansing and therape..