Red rose oil
From the Citadel of Roses in the south of the Kingdom
of Morocco, or in its other name “Qalaat MGouna”, we came to you with the most
beautiful product, which is the Moroccan red rose..
Castor Oil for Hair and Skin
We bring you Castor Oil, a natural oil used
throughout ages in numerous medicinal and cosmetic products, thanks to its
natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory pro..
Soy Oil for Skin and HairExtracted from soybeans, this plant-based oil
offers tremendous beauty benefits due to its rich content of essential fatty
acids, numerous vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3s.B..
Thyme oil for face and hairيستخرج زيت الزعتر من عشبة الزعتر، أو كما يطلق عليها أيضا بالزعتر أو الأوريجانو. و يستخدم هذا الزيت لعلاج العديد من الأمراض الجلدية و كذلك للعناية بالشعر لاحتو..
Wheat germ oil for hair and skinWheat
germ oil is extracted from the core of wheat grains by cold pressing method.
Many women use wheat germ oil for skin care and it was previously called life
White rose oil
From the Citadel of Roses in the south of the Kingdom
of Morocco, or in its other name “Qalaat MGouna”, we came to you with the most
beautiful product, which is the Moroccan white ..