Moroccan henna for the hairMoroccan henna is traditionally extracted. It is 100%
natural and high quality without chemicals. It is harvested and fortified in
traditional ways. Scientists have discov..
Herbal Hair Care SetOur
Moroccan Herbal Hair Care Set is a collection of natural and aromatic herbs
designed to address all hair problems. It has been prepared by the most skilled
Jasmine oil
It is extracted from the plant of jasmine, which has
an aromatic smell. It is a high-quality product from Zena Store for Moroccan
beauty products. There are many uses of jasmine oil f..
Honey Pumpkin Oil for Hair and Skin
Honey pumpkin oil is extracted from the seeds
of the honey pumpkin or so-called pumpkin plant, which contains many fatty
acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxi..
Ground Rosemary for Hair
Rosemary, also known as Azir, has multiple
names including Frankincense Pebble, Arab Grass, Sea Dew, Polar Plant, Compass
Herb, and Rosemary.
Benefits of ground rosem..
Ground Sidr Leaves for Skin and HairSidr has great significance in improving the
skin and imparting it with the needed glow. Sidr leaves have been used since
ancient times to cleanse the skin and tr..
Tar oil for hair
Moroccan tar oil is extracted from the wood of trees.
It is a mixture of organic liquids that contain a high viscosity. This is is a
very black liquid that has a strong shine and..
الجمل المطحون للشعرعين
الجمل المطحون للشعر هو احد انواع الفواكه الجافة وله اسماء اخرى مثل الكركاع فى
المغرب او الجوز, منتج طبيعي وله فوائد صحية عجيبة للشعر والبشرة, فهو مصدر جيّد
للحصول على ال..
الزاز المغربية للشعروهي عشبة
مغربية تستعملها جميع نساء المغرب ولها شهرة كبيرة فى المملكة المغربية ,
ويستعملنها في تنعيم وتجميل الشعر .فوائد
عشبة الزاز المغربية للشعرتنعيم
الشعرتمنع تساق..
Olive Leaves for Hair
Distinguished by its green color, olive leaves
grow on trees and have numerous uses. All parts of the olive tree have been
used for thousands of years in several treatments ..
Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Beauty
Extra virgin olive oil has been used in
skincare since ancient times, and nowadays awareness towards olive oil and its
benefits has increased, especially those t..
Herb habaat rass to intensify and strengthen hairThe head herb is considered a type of perennial plant, which can adapt and resist excellently harsh climatic changes, so it grows in different regions ..