Tar oil for hair
Moroccan tar oil is extracted from the wood of trees.
It is a mixture of organic liquids that contain a high viscosity. This is is a
very black liquid that has a strong shine and..
Ten oils for hair
10 special vegetable oils with benefits on hair and
scalp are rich in vitamins and unsaturated essential fatty acids. These are
very useful properties in the prevention from dan..
Thyme oil for face and hairيستخرج زيت الزعتر من عشبة الزعتر، أو كما يطلق عليها أيضا بالزعتر أو الأوريجانو. و يستخدم هذا الزيت لعلاج العديد من الأمراض الجلدية و كذلك للعناية بالشعر لاحتو..
Vitamin E for hair and skinVitamin E is one of the most important essential nutrients to maintain the health of the organs and tissues of the body and hair, limited studies have shown that vitamin E h..
White rose oil
From the Citadel of Roses in the south of the Kingdom
of Morocco, or in its other name “Qalaat MGouna”, we came to you with the most
beautiful product, which is the Moroccan white ..