Paprika PowderPaprika powder is one of the most important spices and is one of the secrets of the delight of different food dishes. But many people are unaware of its aesthetic benefits, especially fo..
Ground Pomegranate Peel
Many fruits can provide you, dear customer,
with a radiant skin, but the amazing benefits of pomegranate peel stand out.
Among its beauty effects is its ability to treat s..
Moroccan SaffronOur
Premium Moroccan Saffron, also known as Moroccan Free Saffron, is a popular
spice with a vast international reputation. It is considered one of the world's
most expensi..
Ground Rice Powder for Skin
Our product is finely ground rice powder, used
in natural recipes for facial skin care. It is used to create entirely natural
Benefits of Ground Rice Powder ..
Ground Rose Petals for Skin Care
Carefully dried and ground to preserve its
therapeutic properties, Ground Rose Petals are used in many natural recipes and
offer a range of benefits for various s..
Ground Sidr Leaves for Skin and HairSidr has great significance in improving the
skin and imparting it with the needed glow. Sidr leaves have been used since
ancient times to cleanse the skin and tr..
Tasrgint Herb - Sargina
Tasrgint herb, also known as Sargina, is a
well-known herb in Morocco. Women use it for body and skin care.
Benefits of Tasrgint Herb – Sargina
- Helps in whitening t..
Traditional stone in Aker FassiThe imitation stone in Aker Fassi, Morocco, is the process of coloring and beautifying the cheeks and lips using natural materials extracted from the areas surrounding t..
الودع المطحون لتبييض الرقبة و البشرةالودع عبارة عن الصدف أو القواقع البحرية الصغيرة التي نجدها على شاطىء، يستخدمنه البنات كثيرا فى المغرب فيتم طحنه حتى يصبح مسحوق والودع له نتائج مبهرة على البشر..
الجمل المطحون للشعرعين
الجمل المطحون للشعر هو احد انواع الفواكه الجافة وله اسماء اخرى مثل الكركاع فى
المغرب او الجوز, منتج طبيعي وله فوائد صحية عجيبة للشعر والبشرة, فهو مصدر جيّد
للحصول على ال..
الوجه المغربيةالصقلة
المغربية للوجه أو صقلة الوجه هي عبارة عن مجموعة من الأعشاب الطبيعية والعطرية
المغربية, أعدت على يد أمهر العشابين في المغرب, أشتهرت الصقلة المغربية للوجه أو
صقلة الوجه في ..
Olive Leaves for Hair
Distinguished by its green color, olive leaves
grow on trees and have numerous uses. All parts of the olive tree have been
used for thousands of years in several treatments ..