Camel Milk Shower Gel
Camel Milk Shower Gel, often referred to by
some as shower gel or bathing gel, is a body wash. It's a fully natural
Moroccan desert product, derived from rich-protein camel ..
Moroccan Clay with Akker Fassi and Rose
Moroccan clay, also known as Ghassoul or Akker
Fassi, is sourced from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. It has been used in
traditional Moroccan hammams sinc..
Snail Soap with Sodium BicarbonateThis soap contains natural snail extracts that
are effective in skin whitening and acne removal. It also boasts the properties
of sodium bicarbonate known for its p..
Soy Oil for Skin and HairExtracted from soybeans, this plant-based oil
offers tremendous beauty benefits due to its rich content of essential fatty
acids, numerous vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3s.B..
Sulfur soap
Sulfur soap is used as a sterile, detergent and
disinfectant for all parts of the body. Sulfur soap is called so because it
contains sulfur.
Sulfur soap is also used in the treatme..
Tawoos Soap with Natural Herbs for Body and Skin
WhiteningTawoos Soap with Natural Herbs is a traditional Moroccan
soap, ideal for bathing and renowned for its remarkable beauty benefits in
The Traditional Moroccan Ldon – Remedy for Evil Eye,
Envy, and Magic
Ldon, also known as Moroccan Lead Remedy, is an ancient traditional method that
has been used for centuries to treat spiritual i..
Thyme oil for face and hairيستخرج زيت الزعتر من عشبة الزعتر، أو كما يطلق عليها أيضا بالزعتر أو الأوريجانو. و يستخدم هذا الزيت لعلاج العديد من الأمراض الجلدية و كذلك للعناية بالشعر لاحتو..
Titanoreine hemorrhoid cream
titanoréïne, “titanoroène” is a cream or
ointment used to treat hemorrhoids. Treatment of external and non-injured
hemorrhoids, and there is no blood exit. The most i..
الحجامة المغربية التقليديةيُعدّ العلاج بالحجامة أحد أشكال الطب البديل القديم، هي العلاج عن طريق مص وتسريب الدم عن طريق استعمال الكؤوس ويكون بطريقتين الحجامة الرطبة و الحجامة الجافة. وهي طريقة مغربية&n..
Turmeric soap for acne
Indian Soap is wonderful to remove acne; its most
important component is turmeric for skincare, and as it is known for Indian
women with wonderful skin. Turmeric soap is on..
varicose veins creamتتكون الدوالي في الساقين عن طريق تواجد بعض الاضطرابات التي تتواجد في صمامات أوردة القدمين هذه الاوردة هي التي تساعد على مرورالدم في القدم , تقوم تلك الأوردة بالرجوع إلى الخلف و ينت..